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Your questions - our answers

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Then see if you can find your answers here or simply contact us.

How can I recognize fresh fish?

There are various characteristics of fresh fish. The safest way is of course to catch the fish yourself or to be there when it is caught. As this is not always possible, here are a few characteristics of fresh fish:

  • Odor: Fresh fish smells neutral. Environmental odors of the origin are possible (e.g. salt, algae, etc.) but no fish odor.
  • Eyes: The eyes of freshly caught fish are clear and shiny, but never cloudy or glassy. Always make sure that the head is still attached.
  • Fins: The fins should never be dry or sticky, but always still moist. Fish with missing fins should also be avoided.
  • Pressure: Always do the pressure test. Gently press the fish with your finger. Fresh fish will return to its original shape. With older fish, dents may remain.
  • Rigor: As the carotid artery is severed in freshly caught fish, rigor mortis sets in immediately and lasts for a few hours. Fresh fish is therefore rather hard and curved, whereas less fresh fish is rather elastic.

Where can I find the Lusatian fish?

You can find Lusatian fish at in all certified pond farms in the region, recognizable by this logo.

To the pond farms

Where can I find suitable recipes?

Whether carp or pike, fried or as fish soup - Lusatian fish tastes good. You can find delicious fish recipes at here: 

Lusatian fish recipes

What makes Lusatian fish so unique?

In order for a fish to be a "Lusatian fish", it must meet certain criteria. You can find more information here:

What is Lusatian fish

Can I also order Lusatian fish online?

Lusatian fish will soon also be available online. Simply visit the online store.

To the online store

Can I fish for Lusatian fish myself?

To fish in Saxon waters yourself, you need a fishing license approved by the Saxon State Office for the Environment, Agriculture and Geology.

Without this, fishing is prohibited. However, there are exceptions for own waters or in pond farms and fish farms with prior authorization.

Which varieties belong to the Lusatian fish?

In addition to carp, in principle all fish that meet the criteria are Lusatian fish.

You can find more information in the "Lusatian fish" section.

Lusatian fish

Can I also become part of the Lusatian fish?

Restaurateurs and pond owners can become part of the "Lusatian Fish" brand if they pass the quality inspection by the expert jury. They then receive a certificate and are allowed to use the "Lusatian Fish" brand for their products. Would you also like to use the "Lausitzer Fisch" brand for your products? Then simply contact us or find out more from the already certified pond farms.