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The Lusatian Fish Weeks 2024 are supported by funds from the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) and from tax revenue on the basis of the budget adopted by the Saxon State Parliament

Project information

Welcome to our adventure fishing farm in Upper Lusatia!

My grandpa Frank is the pond manager here, so I know everything about everything. Just come with me! I'll show you everything there is to discover here in the home of the Lusatian fish.


You want to experience something here in Upper Lusatia? Then I'll show you what you can do around our ponds. I'm fisherman Frank - Franzi's grandpa. There's always something to do here all year round.

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Thirsty for knowledge?

Are you just as curious as our Franzi? Then come along with me. I'm Ranger Richy and I'll tell you all about the Upper Lusatian heath and pond landscape, the pond ecosystem and what "Lusatian fish" actually is.

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Are you looking for restaurants or farm stores where you can get fresh Lusatian fish? I can recommend something. By the way, I'm chef Karl and I'm always coming up with new ideas with my colleagues. Or would you prefer to cook yourself? Then you can also find delicious recipes and cooking tips from professionals.

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Cycling tours and hikes

If you would like to explore the nature of Upper Lusatia by bike or on foot, you can find selected tours and hikes along our ponds here.

  • Sperrung Seeadler
    Sperrung Seeadler | Foto: BROHT

    Seeadlerrundweg - puć kosćełamaka

    !Sperrung vorraussichtlich bis Ende März!


    Der abwechslungsreiche Rundweg führt über 13 Stationen durch Lebensräume seltener Tier- und Pflanzenarten, welche das Revier des Seeadlers charakterisieren.

    Details ansehen
  • Rotbauchunke
    Rotbauchunke | Foto: Mario Keitel

    Kranich. Karpfen. Rotbauchunke - žoraw. karp. čerwjenobrjuchata kunkawa

    Naturvergnügen in der Teichlausitz

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  • Teichlandschaft
    Teichlandschaft | Foto: Petra Schwarz

    Unkenpfad Litzenteich - šćežka kunkawow

    Bombina, die Rotbauchunke möchte dich auf eine Entdeckungsreise durch ihre Lebenswelt einladen. Folge einfach den Schildern, auf denen die Unke auf dem Fahrrad sitzt.

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The Lusatian Fish Weeks are a great opportunity for a trip to the Upper Lusatian pond landscape. There is a varied program to experience around the fishing of the ponds. 

We will keep you up to date on all currentevents at events  .